Everything we sell is guaranteed for 30 days. DONOR VEHICLE : 1985 E30 323I Sedan with A Manual transmission.
Ask us for a quote if you reside in HI or PR. We do not guaranty the paint condition of any body panels.
Body panels could have scratches and would require painting. If dings or damage is available, we will clarify that in the listing.
For wheel auctions, we intend to sell the rims only. The tires, if available, do not hold any value nor do we guaranty the condition of the tires. All rims are guaranteed unless the item condition is listed as "For Parts Only". Detailed feedback is also crucial and if you have any concerns just let us know.
Declared values of each package are according to the actual value of that package. 35111157719 35 11 1157719 35 11 1 157 719.